Why I Hated Writing and How that Changed

Donabel Santos
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Ever felt like writing is a chore? I sure did. Here’s my story.

A Rough Start

Writing has always been a part of my life. I have to do it for work, for school — everyday.

But honestly? I used to hate it.

My past experiences with writing courses in school left me scarred.

Imagine getting your paper back, covered with scrawled corrections in red ink. It felt like every correction was shouting, “You don’t know anything!”. It got so bad that I sometimes thought it was better not to submit at all.

I went through a phase where I would always question myself, resigning to the fact that maybe I am just not good enough. Maybe it’s because I am ESL (English as Second Language).

A New Perspective

Things changed recently. Over the last three months, I’ve started to see writing in a new light.

It turns out, writing is a powerful skill.

And to my surprise, I’ve started to enjoy it. Maybe if those red-ink critiques had been gentler, I would have fallen for writing much earlier.

Finding the Spark

Now, I feel a spark of interest I haven’t felt in years.



Donabel Santos

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